Dirty Piggy Bank
3D Motion Graphics | Storytelling | Rendering
Dirty Piggy Bank is a short motion graphics video that has the goal to criticize the main message of the Netflix's show "Squid Game". The 3D assets were created and animated with Blender, while Premiere Pro and After Effects were used for compositing and audio mixing.
Squid Game is a series produced by Netflix which has made a fortune for the streaming platform. The production was very well received by the audience as it showed a series of death games that created a lot of suspense. Moreover, it was very clear that the show also proposed a strong metaphor, depicting what people are capable of for money. However, isn’t it ironic how a series that shows money in such a negative light is also the one that made Netflix the most revenue it had ever earned?
It is for such a reason that “Dirty Piggy Bank” will try to bring this irony to the spectator’s eyes. Scenes from the show will be juxtaposed to 3d motion graphics so as to create a clear link to the money as depicted in Squid Game and the money earned by Netflix with the show. The final result is supposed to create a sense of filth by wealth and let the viewer think about whether it is right that a work is the creator of what it criticizes.