I Grrr - La Torre Impossibile
2D Illustration | 2D Animation | Screenplay
“I Grrr” is an animated video made to be an educational tool for children from 0 to 5 years of age. The protagonists of the video, caricatured monsters in different colors, will have to attempt building a tower of bricks.
Micol Montenesi
Filippo Peccatori
Elena Sangalli
Matilde Teani
Federica Vatri

Micol Montenesi, Filippo Peccatori, Elena Sangalli, Matilde Teani, Federica Vatri
Finding themselves initially unable to achieve this goal individually, the characters will learn that through the union of forces it is possible to accomplish otherwise impossible feats. This is how Steve, the shortest, will lay the foundations for the construction of the tower; Elle, with her many arms, will make the central part; Carl, through his height, will make the tower taller than ever; and Lily, apparently the clumsier, will fill in the holes left in the building just before it falls due to its structural instability.
The simplicity of the characters and the clarity of the story will be the keys that will allow the best possible fruition by the children, who will therefore be able to understand the message of the video without problems.